Under the July 6th, 2020 guidance released by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs – Workplace Safety and Reopening Standards for Businesses and Other Entities Providing Youth and Adult Amateur Sports Activities – Phase III, Step 1 – Hingham Bay Racing will commence Wednesday Night Twilight Racing this Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 and our regularly scheduled Weekend Races commencing with the first annual ‘Round the Lights Race this Saturday, July 25th, 2020.
As per the Guidelines, all boats will be limited to 3 people per boat maximum. Additionally, all competitors must take care to follow all public health guidance as it pertains to COVID-19, including, but not limited to social distancing, wearing masks and handwashing.
In accordance with the crew limitation, ORR-Ez has issued new rating certificates to all 2020 certificate holders adjusting the crew size to 3 – these certificates were automatically emailed to all 2020 certificate holders in the last week, if you have not received your adjusted rating certificate, please check your email and make sure you have signed up for your 2020 New England ORR-Ez Rating Certificate, which all boats are required to have to participate in any Hingham Bay Racing events. All races held during Phase III, Stage 1 – and until further notice – will be scored using these adjusted ratings.
The other requirement to participate in 2020 Hingham Bay Racing events is for boats to have registered as Members of Hingham Bay Racing. Any boat which has not registered as a Member will not be signed in / scored for races and are asked not to enter the racing area while races are being held. Hingham Bay Racing cannot be flexible on this requirement due to COVID-19.
The 2020 Hingham Bay Race Book has been uploaded to HinghamBayRacing.org, we have done our best to adjust the book for COVID-19 restrictions although it is not perfect as we’ve been shooting at a moving target. The largest change that is not reflected in the book is that crews will not be participating in regularly assigned Race Committee duties for the remainder of the 2020 season.
Please disregard the race schedule posted in the book.
Schedule notes: Hingham Yacht Club has cancelled the Hitchcock Race. Rumble Races are not yet confirmed. Please use the digital schedule posted on our website, as well as on Regattaman: 2020 Hingham Bay Race Schedule.
As always, please review the Race Book prior to racing, however a few notable changes to the 2020 Race Book are as follows:
- Preset Course number assignments have been changed – please make note!
- Boats are not required to pass between the Race Committee Boat and the pin to begin the second lap of twice around courses.
- Twilight Races will be scored in two series, Summer & Fall as the Spring Series was cancelled.
- First Warning Signal for Summer Series @ 1830.
- First Warning Signal for Fall Series @ 1815.
As always, per The Racing Rules of Sailing, Part 1, Section 4 – Decision to Race, the responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race is hers alone. In addition, we hope that all who choose to participate this season will keep in mind the Basic Principles of Sailing, specifically Sportsmanship and the Rules. With limited crew members, maneuvers may not be as quick and most skippers won’t have as many sets of eyes keeping a look out as they may be used to. Please respect your competitors, the Race Committee and the volunteers that have been working hard to get these races going.
Let’s have a fun, healthy and competitive season. Hopefully, we’ll see you on the water!
Tom Curtis [and the entire Board of Hingham Bay Racing]
President, Hingham Bay Racing
[email protected]